Hello again Half Banana:
It is true that I do not embark upon Bible reading with a view to "finding fault". Rather, I read and engage in reflection / in meditation. To an extent, I borrow from the method(s) outlined in "Lectio Devina".
I have nothing against critical thinking either - but my focus for such tends to be on the WTBTS and to a lesser extent, other institutions / businesses. I recollect an interview given by Dr. Daniel Goleman several years ago (author of "Emotional Intelligence") who stated that there are basically three types of organisation....
a) Bottom line - goes to the very edge of legality (what it thinks it can get away with)
b) Stakeholder - looks to the interests of both its shareholders and customers
c) Ethical - governed by morality and ethics in conducting itself
Increasingly, my critical thinking tends towards me finding the WTBTS is a bottom line organisation. However, it is exceedingly good at putting on the most respectable of veneers.
Your method of examing the scriptures is not for me I'm afraid. As I said earllier, I enjoyed the Bible before I became a JW and continue to enjoy it now that I am (so I perceive anyway) on a slow path of egress from "the organisation".
What you say is interesting though and reminds me of the radio broadcasts every Saturday @ 1430 hrs BST on Premier Christian Radio called "Unbelievable". The progamme usually hosts a discussion between a Christian apologist and an athiest for example. Here are a few such programme themes.....
22nd August 15 - Is atheism a belief system? Andy Bannister vs Ed Turner
15th August 15 - The case from science for & against God – Peter Atkins vs Zachary Ardern
1st August 15 - Do the minimal facts support the resurrection? Gary Habermas & James Crossley
4th July 15 - John Lennox Premier Lecture - Going Against the Flow
Most of the broadcasts are still available as a podcast at the following webpage and might be of interest you.....
I note your comment about Greek philosophy. This and other philosophies are quite interesting. I cannot but help thinking that the apostle Paul was influenced by the Greek philosophy in his time due to his statement at Romans 1:20 - "For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable." This strikes me as being rather like the reasoning of Aristotle and used later by Aquinas.
A modern individual who's work I enjoy reading is that of Isaiah Berlin, who wrote extensively about freedom (positive and negative freedom). Exposure to his work contributed significantly to me seeing the WTBTS for what it really is, but the catalyst for such an examination was ghastly conduct on the part of the local BoE. I have concluded that they behaved in the way they did as their minds are more continuously exposed to the environment of authority/power/control than are others. Thus they absorb that paradigm and project it to their detriment and that of others. That's my little bit of critical thinking for today!
This site we are sharing on is a fascinating one to read as there are a large number of individuals who are in one way or another "on a journey out of the Watchtower" as you put it. It is utterly incredulous, that the WTBTS urges so much effort into the recruitment of individuals on the one hand, only to devalue, bully, and otherwise control them such that those individuals at some time or other embark on an exit. So in many respects the WTBTS is rather self defeating.